Thursday, March 29, 2012

Action Research and MDMP

A significant reflection of this course I found there was a similarity to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) when it comes to Action Research.  The steps to an action research project follow the same guidelines as deciding on a strategy and action of military operations in both combat and peacetime.  This plan is called the Operations Order or as it is commonly known as, the OPORD.  The OPORD format and the MDMP follow closely the Force Field Analysis model.
The OPORD format follows the set methodology of Receiving the Mission, Mission Analysis, Course of Action (COA) Development, COA Analysis (aka Wargaming), COA Comparison, COA approval, and Orders Production.  The Force Field Analysis model follows the path of Describe the current situation, Describe the proposed change, Identify the current situation if no action is taken, List all forces driving the change toward the desired situation, Determine whether change is viable and Discuss how the change can be affected.  The two models are the best way for me to effect a change in any desired situation.   

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